I am the Crazy Hippie!

Follow me on my many crazy misadventures

Who I am Contact

Hello and Welcome

Welcome to my adventure! My name is Heidi. I just recently took a job in the Marshall Islands, working on Kwajalein. It’s my first adventure in the South Pacific, working in a remote location. But that’s okay. I’m working on embracing the journey.

About Me

I would love for you to join me as a share insights, experiences, and undertakings in this venture that we call life. Never easy, sometimes controversial, always evolving, but full of humor, I am embarking on a journey to share my misadventures with you. As someone living alone, I sometimes have an overwhelming need to talk to someone. It appears my dog are tired of hearing my stories, so I need someone to vent to. If you continue to read, then you, my friend, have become an accomplice and will hear all the grizzly dating details, island living, travel mistakes and other sordid details that no one else wants to know anything about. Have fun, because I know I will!

My Philosophy…

Love! I don’t mean the passionate love we share with our partner (though that is great!); I mean the calm, encompassing love for humanity, for one another.

Be Kind! This is not always easy. But consistently try. Instead of “Treat others how you want to be treated,” treat others in a way that will enrich and nurture them. We aren’t all the same and that is good!

Embrace change! It is easy to get relaxed and complacent in our lives because it takes less effort. But I say, always be ready for the challenge. Enjoy both the valleys and the mountains (though, I have been known to pout big time with some life changes!). We are evolving, and we owe it to our parents and those before us to be better, kinder, and more aware. Times change!

Be Cruelty-free! We are not the only species on earth, and as the “more evolved” species (which is up for debate), we owe it to the others to treat them with respect and dignity. And respect our home, this wonderful planet Earth. Buy cruelty-free products, recycle, go vegan! I am a hippie after all!!

The Year Ahead…

Be on the look out for my next travel adventure, my continued attempts to adjust to small town living, and, no doubt, many other misadventures.

Copyright ©2016 The Crazy Hippie