Running Man

running-manBeing a single gal, I am pretty self-sufficient. I’m certainly not looking for a guy who makes lots of money. There are a lot more qualities that are important to me. But with that in mind, let me share the tale of another one of my fabulous dates I recently enjoyed. This was a blind date arranged by a friend of a friend.

One day I will learn not to accept these, but alas, I have not learned that lesson yet.

Or maybe I’m a masochist and like danger and disasters.

He chose the location – a hip restaurant in West Hollywood. He told me the reservations were at 7. So, as usual, I arrived way too early. The hostess wouldn’t seat me until both parties arrived. No problem. I was good with sitting and people watching.

At seven, he walks in the door and as the hostess approaches to seat us, he grabs my arm and says “Let’s go to the bar.” The hostess says no problem; just let her know when we are ready to be seated. And I am happy to comply. Upon sitting at a little table in the bar, I order a drink. He proceeds to chide me because he doesn’t drink. Huh?? Didn’t we just choose to go in the bar? Nonetheless, I order my drink as I begin to sense I’m really going to need it.

This gentlemen then proceeds to tell me how awful women are and how he hates dating. Fair enough, I understand, considering some of my dating disasters (A fine example). I try to steer the conversation to his interests and profession. In hindsight, I think that was a mistake because I think he interpreted it as I was trying to find out how much money he makes. The hostess than approaches us to see if we are ready to be seated. He tells her we aren’t going to eat. Alrighty then, but I hadn’t eaten dinner because I thought I had a dinner date. He tells me he hates to have to pay for women.

Accordingly, I reassure him that I can pay for my own food but I am going to order an appetizer because I am hungry. He huffs and puffs and continues to complain. About this time, I realize I need another drink, or maybe ten, if I’m going to make it through the evening. I order and drink it rather quickly. It has dawned on me that he thinks I still want him to pay. It really is fine with me to take care of myself – I mean, I have been doing it for years. So I bring it up again and reassure him that I can pay my own way.

Without so much as a question about me, he begins hinting at leaving. I rise to go pay for my own drinks and appetizer. He then loudly tells me he doesn’t want to look cheap in front of the bartender and hostess, and proceeds to jump up and make a run for the bar. My first response was “Well you are acting cheap.” But I didn’t say it. I understand that dating can be expensive. But I certainly wasn’t going to tackle him on the way to the bar.

He proceeds to stomp up to the bar to pay and turned, telling me I ruined it already so he will take care of it.

I just shake my head and wait for him to return. Which he does, with a bowl of potato chips. It turns out these were a free snack from the bar. He begins stuffing his face, saying, “You should have had these and water.” And quickly goes up for a second bowl. I then go up, order another drink, immediately pay for it, and sit back down. He suddenly eatingchipslooks at me, and says, “This isn’t going to work” and jumps up and RUNS from the bar. Not walk briskly, but literally ran. I thought he was going to knock a table over. He caused a bit of a scene.

By now, I am just laughing and the bartender approaches me and asks if I am okay. I insist that I am fine. Soon the hostess comes to check on me, and I tell her I am simply enjoying my drink in peace. I order another appetizer, nibble on the remaining chips, and enjoy an evening on my own. Plus, I don’t want to leave yet because of the traffic volume at this particular time – it will take me an hour and a half to get home, but if I wait thirty minutes, I can get home in twenty. So relaxing is the order of the hour. It gives me time to reflect.

Dating is such an adventure. Is it really that hard to find someone to go out with and have a nice time? I’m sure that I am charming, sophisticated, and funny (For reference see The Stomach Demon), so that can’t be the problem. I’m not sure I know the rules, or even if there are rules. But I suspect they keep changing. Or at least no one keeps me up to date. If you have any idea, PLEASE let me know. I need all the help I can get!!





